

AEA-EAL - European Association of Lawyers 

Austria - Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag /
   Austrian Bar (DE)

Austria - Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag /
   Austrian Bar (ENG)

Azerbaijan - Azerbaijani Bar Association

Belgium - Avocats.be - L'Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et
   Germanophone de Belgique

Belgium - Brussels Bar (French speaking section)

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bar Association of Republic Srpska

Bulgaria - Supreme Bar Council of Republic Bulgaria

Croatia - Croatian Bar Association

Cyprus - Cyprus Bar Association 

Cyprus - Cyprus Bar Association - Report "Transparency and
   Rule of Law"

Czech Republic - Czech Bar Association

Denmark - The Danish Bar & Law Society

England and Wales - The Bar Council of England and Wales

England and Wales - The Law Society of England and Wales

Estonia - Estonian Bar Association

EYBA - European Young Bar Association

Finland - Finnish Bar Association

France - Conseil national des barreaux (ENG)

France - Conseil national des barreaux (FR)

Germany - Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer / The German Federal Bar

Germany - Deutscher Anwaltverein / German Bar Association (DE)

Germany - Deutscher Anwaltverein / German Bar Association (ENG)

Greece - Athens Bar Association

Ireland - Law Society of Ireland

Italy - Consiglio Nazionale Forense

Luxembourg - Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg

Netherlands - The Netherlands Bar - Nederlandse orde van advocaten

Northern Ireland - Law Society of Northern Ireland

Poland - Polish Bar Council and National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law

Slovakia - Slovak Bar Association

Slovenia - Slovenian Bar Association

Switzerland - Swiss Bar Association - (DE)

Switzerland - Swiss Bar Association - (ENG)

Ukraine - Ukrainian National Bar Association
